The Future of SAHPA (invitation to meeting)
mpact of the Declared Training Organisation (DTO) model (as introduced by the 21st Amendment of the Civil Aviation Regulations).
mpact of the Declared Training Organisation (DTO) model (as introduced by the 21st Amendment of the Civil Aviation Regulations).
SAHPA has learned of male foreign pilot who had a paragliding accident at Lewenkop near Porterville on 9 February 2022.
The South African Weather Service is running a survey for the aeronautical community, to understand how pilots use weather information.
The Aviation Rescue Coordination Centre (ARCC) is the aeronautical branch of South African Search and Rescue (SASAR), a division in the Department of Transport.
This is the recording of the SACAA training webinar which focused on the DTO model.
In November 2021, the Minister of Transport (Fikile Mbalula) signed the 21st Amendment to the Civil Aviation Regulations.
The South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA) has announced a webinar aimed at all schools and instructors, to provide training on the shift from ATO to DTO.
We estimate that less than 30% of incidents and accidents are reported.
As from January 2022, you will need to pay the Aero Club fee and FAI competition sporting licence directly to the Aero Club.
On 13 January 2022, the South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA) concluded an audit and issued SAHPA with an updated Aviation Recreation Organisation (ARO) Certificate. This ARO Certificate extends SAHPA’s mandate and authority to: This … Read more