The SAHPA Committee

Committee Members are unpaid volunteers who occupy these positions for a year. Their term automatically terminates at the SAHPA Annual General Meeting, after which the newly elected committee members take over the responsibility.

RoleFull NameMobileEmail
Chairman (Accountable & Compliance Manager)Louis Stanford+27 (79)
Vice ChairPete Wallenda‭+27 (83) 300-1755‬pete.wallenda@gmail.comExecutive
TreasurerSteve Burd+27 (67) 405-0004‬Steve.m.burd@gmail.comExecutive
National Safety OfficerFrancois Miog‭+27 (84) 561-6846‬francois.miog@outlook.comSafety
PPG RepresentativeHennie Brink+27 ‭(72) 524-3828‬hennie.e.brink@gmail.comOperations
PG RepresentativePete Wallenda‭+27 (83) 300-1755‬pete.wallenda@gmail.comOperations
HG RepresentativeLennox Olivier‭+27 (83) 230-8780‬
PG Competition & EventsPierre Ackermann‭+27 (83) 632-9863‬ & Events
PPG Competition & EventsHennie Brink+27 (72) 524-3828‬hennie.e.brink@gmail.comCompetition & Events
PPG FAI Representative Hennie Brink‭+27 (72) 524-3828‬